eSports Festival

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自2016年起,CGA連續三年於會展電腦通訊節期間舉行香港電競節。是次活動吸引來自超過20個國家選手參與,其中更涉獵到手遊部份,參賽選手與比賽項目數量更屢創新高。於2017年,賽事亦全部升級至官方賽,而Capcom Pro Tour更升級至全球只得十九個的白金賽。而儘管遇上兩日達至八號烈風訊號或以上,入場人次仍比去年有所增長約15%。

Largest eSports Expo in Hong Kong Every August, seen as the top stage for amateur eSports player
For 3 consecutive years since 2016, CGA is organizing the largest eSports festival in Hong Kong. The event attracts professional players from more than 20 countries to participate, and covers both desktop, mobile and console games. Number of participated gamers and game events are breaking the year-on-year record.
In 2017, all matches have been officialized, with Capcom Pro Tour being upgraded to one of the 19 Platinum matches in the world. And the event footfall still managed to increase by 15%, despite typhoon signal 8 or above was being hosted for 2 days during the event period.